Monday, 30 August 2010

First ride for a month

Haven't blogged for a while, mostly because of two very good reasons and a stupid one:

Reason 1: my personal computer died and there is absolutely no time to write blog posts from work

Reason 2: i haven't actually been on my bike for a month and feel fat and guilty

Reason 3 (the rubbish reason): I hadn't installed the google analytics code when i changed the template and thought no one was reading this, definitely an error between keyboard and chair there, sorry.

Anyway, today was my first time out for a month, 30 degree heat and blazing sun, i blamed my shocking performance and lack of speed on a possible chest infection, everyone else in the world seems to think I have party lag and should stop whinging and cycle more, with three weeks to go I will be taking their advice!

Luckily the pace i was so poorly riding at today is about the pace the ride will be going so it's not the end of the world.

Just like to sign off with big thanks to the fit one and the hire bike master for listening to my whinging and keeping me going, even if this did occasionally include loud shouts of 'schnell schnell' reverberating through the peaceful Toronto shrubbery.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

Location:Queens Quay W,Toronto,Canada