Sunday, 6 June 2010

Bad bad Guido

I haven't blogged for a week, this is mostly because I feel bad having only cycled for about 20 miles this week. I have mostly avoided cycling through some of the following weak excuses;

  1. It was wet outside
  2. My saddle is a little too low
  3. I have a hurty head
  4. It's too hot
But then today I got another £50 sponsorship and this has made me realise I need to get off my ass next week and ride so I have a 6am ride planned for the morning. Hopefully this won't make me too tired to move into my 'water view' condo tomorrow evening. Being the cynical Brit I am guessing water view means there is a persistent puddle outside in the road... perhaps it is like the sea view hotels in Brighton where you have to lean out of a window to just about catch a glimpse of a sea gull.

One thing that has made me happy is the beards album, good honest songs about good honest beards, can't be beat!

Anyway off to cook real food...

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